Become a Member
To Become a member please fill out this application form and return it to the office with your annual membership fee.
I sign: …………………...........................................
National Identity Card Number: ..............................................................
Date of Issue: ................................................................
Place of Issue: ...............................................................
Nationality: .....................................................................
Contact number: ............................................................
Through paying a registration fee I here by agree to my enrollment with the Association of brothers and sisters united in hope and solidarity (AFSUPES).
To this end, I pledge:
1. To carry out my annual membership duties to be an active member and recipient of the association.
2. To be present at least once a week at the headquarters of the association to see the progression in activities.
3. To be available to carry out activities of the association when necessary to the best of my ability.
4. To attend all meetings concerning the activities of the association.
5. To participate actively in community life.
6. Each member must pay his fees by March of each year and the membership will remain active until April of the following year.
In case of failure to pay in entirety my annual membership fees, I will not be considered as an active member of the association or recipient and annual fees already paid will not be refunded to the member.
In witness, I sign this commitment to serve and to assert that right.
Place of enrollment: .....................................................................
Date of enrollment, read and approved by:
Signature: ……………………………...........