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Our Organizational Structure

AFSUPES is constructed of two bodies; the General Assembly, the decision making body, and the coordinating team. The General Assembly is composed of all the members of the association. The coordinating office is responsible for guiding the activities of the association. The coordinating team works full time and meets once a month, the last Friday of each month. During these meetings, completed activities of the month are discussed and the following month’s activities are planned. These meetings also allow staff members to discuss any difficulties they might encounter and how they can overcome them. The coordinating team is vital to the association because they are responsible for analyzing all of our activities.



Elections are held every three years to elect new members.  Our current Executive Board consists of:



ABINA Maurice Eloi                                                                                     President

Mme MAHOP Evelynn                                                                                 Vice President

Mme NYEMB NKEMBE Monique                                                                 General Secretary

Mlle BOUGUIA Nicole                                                                                  Treasurer

KENFACK Augustin                                                                                     Auditor

NTIECHE ADAMOU                                                                                     Auditor

Mme YALA KOUM                                                                                       Honorary President




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